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Actor Mammootty donated oxygen concentrators to bedridden patients at Rajagiri Hospital.

Actor MammooLy generously donated oxygen concentrators to bedridden patients in need. Oxygen concentrator is a device that concentrates the oxygen from a gas supply (typically ambient air) by selectevely removing nitrogen to supply an oxygen-enriched product gas stream. The distribution of these life- saving devices took place in Kochi as part of the Aashvasam; initiative, a joint project led by Actor MammooLy’s Care and Share International foundataon and Rajagiri Hospital. 

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The Sacred Heart Province consisted of the territories under the jurisdiction of the Archdiocese of Ernakulam and the Diocese of Kothamangalam.
  • S H Provincial House, Rajagiri P O, Kalamssery, Kochi - 683 104
  • 0484 - 2911122, 2911133, +91 9037114615